Monday, July 10, 2017

more kids meals that worked

 So later in the week we had the same  veg and pasta but with "chips"and "pizza". I just put tuna and cheese on the pizza dough before cooking it in the toaster oven, no sauce.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

tired, but kids need to eat!

 This is what meal prep often looks like these days: In the morning I chop veggies and meat, or in this case use already ground meat (by a machine!), already to cook closer to the time. This is one meal everyone in the family can eat at the moment, which is a pretty rare thing! (Its kind of like fried rice only we mix the rice in at the table)

Another meal we had the other day which worked well: some salad veggies, plain wholemeal pasta (with mayo on the table) and an omelette that had a can of fish mixed in. Easy for the kids to eat, and the preschool loves cracking eggs so he actually helped cook this one!