Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Banana flower - the way L makes it

First we pounded garlic, sugar, salt and peanuts.
We sliced/grated the banana flower into a bowl of water, and washed the fresh herbs (basil, mint, a bitter one with a long leaf that we eat with roast chicken, and the one some call Vietnames herb).

After picking leaves off the herbs stalks we put them in a bowl with the drained banana flower and added the pounded stuff. Also chopped up boiled pork- including the skin and fat.

After mixing it up we added some lime juice.

I think after that all we did was mix and check the taste to see if we needed to add more salt or sugar.

She said you can also make it with cabbage, also other salad veggies like capsicum, carrot and cucumber. KS said if you make it with cucumber its too watery.