Well, that's what I call it anyway, in Khmer its something like "ynoum". We made it last weekend.
We used
chicken, which I'd boiled and ripped up (I've also had it with pork, and this weekend we had it at a wedding with beef that was soaked in lime juice rather than cooked) ,
rice noodles (actually they are made of mung beans, not sure why I call them rice noodles, in khmer mee soo-ah),(in the fancy version of this they fried the noodles)
raw veggies such as cucumber and carrot chopped finely, (capsicum,tomato etc)
herbs such as basil and saw herb (tastes like coriander, looks like a saw),
peanuts to sprinkle over at the end,
sauce (neither of us know how to make it, i think we should ask Soeun's mum before we try again, but its mainly water and sugar, with crushed garlic, some girls told me to use lime juice, some said vinegar)
It's really yummy!